Whether you’re the proud owner of a classic car or have a driveway crammed with several runabouts the whole family uses, the convenience of being able to slide into the driver’s seat, turn a key and be on your way is something many of us take for granted.
We all do our best to take care on the roads, but even a minor motor accident creates a ripple of form-filling and phone calls that can quickly become a tsunami. If you’re involved in something more serious, sorting out an insurance claim while potentially being traumatised by an accident is not ideal.
Of course you can choose to deal with a claim yourself, but then you also have to sort vehicle repairs and organise a replacement. Why take on all that hassle when a claims management company can deal with everything on your behalf?
Some people may be skeptical about using a claims management company to sort out an insurance claim, but rest assured, our industry is strictly regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, where the days of the ‘compensation culture’ are long behind us!
Our focus is 100% on the customers and our complete accident management service takes all the stress out of the claims process. We operate 24/7, 365 days a year, offering an extensive fleet of replacement vehicles, as well as a recovery fleet and repair garages. We even have access to legal experts should this be required – everything is covered.
While taking out a drivers’ insurance policy is simple enough these days, anyone who has ever handled their own claim will know the claims system can sometimes be confusing, and the more complex your incident, the less straightforward the process can be.
Not to mention the amount of time claimants can spend on hold, being passed from department to department. Seriously, who has the time?
Our experienced team can deal with everything from mechanical breakdowns to road traffic accidents, including personal injury. They will handle all that fussy paperwork and claims for insurance repairs, ensuring you get the best deal possible.
We will also secure a like-for-like vehicle in non-fault accidents and, uniquely, in the event of a 50/50 or fault accident, a vehicle up to 3,500kg can be provided, including a like-for-like commercial vehicle if customers use our approved body repair garage.
We genuinely believe that no other accident management company offers this service, because we truly understand the inconvenience of being without a car or the loss of income for businesses whose van is out of commission. We are committed to keeping clients on the road regardless of the circumstances of an accident.
We look after many thousands of private motorists, as well as insurance brokers, car clubs, retailers and motoring organisations. We can also become your trusted accident management partner, through our Integrity Club 20 Multi-Policy cover.
If you’re thinking of using a claims management company, then get in touch here, or email us at contact@integritycm.co.uk or call 020 8556 6633 – We would be delighted to hear from you.